Variable short codes for use in Emails and PDFs

Friday, Jan 12, 2018

All short codes can be used in emails and PDFs to generate customised content. A limited set of these codes can be used in the payment pages of a payment method. Short codes use words to describe the field enclosed within square brackets eg [Venues:VenueDisplayLocationName].

Some of the short code names are obvious others are not to obvious or slight different to the expected name, due to field name changes or standardization (short codes lag behind any changes due to them being on static content).

There are two pickers to insert short codes, using the internal editor popup which allows selection and will automatically insert one short code. The other picker is the external popup which remains on the screen and allows copy and paste application of the short codes. As with all copy and paste activities it is recommended that you remove formatting or use your browser ‘paste as plain text’ function to avoid formatting issues.

Raw fields

You will notice that some fields have Raw: in the name, these are fields that either use a lookup or an auto complete field - that is there is a selection from a list. Raw means the respective number associated with each item in the list eg: while a course category might have a reference number of 5678 in a list often you actually want the name of the category, not the id, so “First Aid with CPR” is displayed rather than the associated number. Using the Raw value can be useful when creating links, often these numbers can generated pre-filtered pages.

Short codes grouping


This is the option ‘Branch’ and the related fields on that option, this could be a sales branch and include custom fields fields such as email signature, email address, phone numbers, website address etc.

Course Category

This is the option for the course category that can be used to group courses together and apply process rules to cater for course category specific requirements.

Course Dates

These are the scheduled courses by date and location, this includes some fields related to the Course Date such as Course Category etc.

Course Description

This is the content type used to describe the course, this could also be used to describe what the title of certificates should include (as there are multiple sections, depending on the license, that are unused).

Course Provider

This is used just for the reseller license to distinguish between different providers of courses, allowing grouping of courses using the filter and application of rules based on the Course Provider.


Variables associated to the currency, refer however to the Price detail to include amounts and the use of correct currently quantities ie cents vs cent


This contains mainly customised fields that are generated to create document forms, gathering enrolment details from the customer during the sales process. This includes government reporting fields and customer personal details such as address, name etc.

Document Topics

These are the option topics for a given document, this includes some pre-formatted tables that display all topics or summary information of the topics that are linked to the Document (which might vary to those defined on the course master format and on the course date).


This includes the details of the information stored on the format record that is linked to the respective course master.

Format Description

Expanded information that is linked to the respective course master via the format.

License Companies

Each license has an organisation record, this was once referred to as a ‘license company’ record, includes information such as company registration numbers, email address and can include customised data such as registration details or government reportable details.


Logins linked on the course date or (if not present there) on the course master. When there are multiple logins linked with the same role the first login details in the list is used. This is a two level selection: first the role then the variable associated with the role, eg: Configuration Manager: Given Name. These use role ids to link to them and have three levels of information within the short code, eg: [Logins:13218:DisplayNameGiven]

Payment Types

From the Payment Methods (previously called Payment Types)

Price Detail

A group of generated fields that are useful for creating Invoices and references to payment amounts. Individual amounts are included and variations of these eg: Agreed Price - Short Format [PriceDetail:PricePriceFmtSht] and Agreed Price - Long Format [PriceDetail:PricePriceFmtLng] these work along side the settings in tax rules to create tax inclusive or tax exclusive amounts. There are also short codes that generate content in table format for display within invoices eg [PriceDetail:InvoiceTable]


A content type that can allow targeted promotions depending on the location, course category and course provider. By including specific promotion content this can be used to upsell or cross sell to existing customers. It can also be used to generate more detailed and dynamic descriptions of training courses.

Residential Description

A content type that enables the description of what a residential course might be, it can be re-purposed to used in other ways such as a promotional message or customised content eg offering of e-learning content to specific course masters.


Incorporates the process steps allowing the creation of links

Style Sheet

A content type that can be used to create style sheets for HTML content. This is a beta feature that means it may not function as expected, and we are gathering feedback from those who use it.


A content type that, in the short section and section 1 is used to create the content displayed on registration forms on the Terms field.


The venue associated with the course date that the document is registered on, includes generated content Google Map Url [Venues:VenueDisplayMapUrl] which uses the fields Latitude [Venues:VenueLatitude] and Longitude [Venues:VenueLongitude] to generate the link. If Latitude or Longitude are zero or blank the link does not get generated and the resulting output for these shortcodes is blank.

Venue Description

Content that is an extension to the venue record associated with the course date that the document exists on.