
Setup an Assessment

Tuesday, Apr 23, 2019 by Scott Spence Form, Assessment, Process Step

It can be useful to assess students before, during or after a course. Our assessment plugin is fully functional for including images, submission of partly correct answers, variable weighting of questions, alerts when options select are incorrect and triggering pass and fail process steps. A pass mark can be set, and a different process step used if the student fails. If set at 100% and there is no ‘fail’ process step set the assessment does not submit until the required pass mark is achieved.

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Adding Functions for Assessments

Tuesday, Sep 4, 2018 by Scott Spence Assessment, JavaScript, Form

Confirmation before submitting assessments When you only give a limited number of attempts to a student each submission is valuable, to ensure that students are aware that they are submitting the form and therefore will use up one of these attempts it it worthwhile giving them notification of this. Use this code to do so. $(document).ready(function() { // Confirmation alert before submitting assessment forms $("input[name='btnSubmit']").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var wrnMsg= $('#formScoreMessage').text(); var alertStr= 'Please confirm you want to SUBMIT your homework for marking by Clever Training.

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