
Upgrade from aXcelerate to CourseSales.com

Monday, Sep 16, 2019 by Scott Spence Migrate, Onboarding

Like CourseSales.com, aXcelerate is a web based student management system. Read more to learn that while CourseSales.com includes automation to reduce management effort, is flexible and responsive to a training organisations needs, aXcelerate, at the time of this review does not include price automation, variable terms by price group and course type, nor roles beyond the 5 fixed roles eg: trainer and student. There are also some differences between how the courses are managed which when using CourseSales.

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Onboarding Steps - Help and Guidance

Saturday, Jul 28, 2018 by Scott Spence Migrate, Onboarding

Congratulations on choosing CourseSales.com as your preferred student management system. First we need to import your course and student data. We do this by using your AVEMTISS files. We encourage you to validate your AVETMISS files first by using NCVER’s AVS software. The beauty of using the AVETMISS files is that these can be validated, and therefore be relatively clean. Without clean data we can’t validate the exports so be sure to make the data as clean as possible.

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