How to setup automatic USI Verification

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, Login, Export Queue, auskey, mygovid

Enable web services for USI validation The Auskeys are encrypted bits of information stored on your computer then validated across the internet with the government services you use. To request access for web services (that allow to validate USIs on your behalf) visit this page: More information is available here: Enable USI Validation From April 2020 it will be necessary to use the myGovID authentication rather than auskey.

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Register the Course Sales Auskey for your organisation

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Auskey, USI

Auskeys are no longer required for USI validation please read Automatic USI verification Please ignore the following advice - it is out of date and scheduled for removal. There are three steps to this: Step 1: Enable web services for USI validation The Auskeys are encrypted bits of information stored on your computer then validated across the internet with the government services you use. To request access for web services (that allow CourseSales.

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Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, FAQ already has the USI functionality (that is we can accept a USI from a student, and associate it with the student record). When using this is the process: Accepting a USI The field AVETMISS Unique Student Identifier includes the following validation options: AVETMISS 7.0 USI this verifies just against the USI format specification for AVETMISS 7.0 ie. including SHORT, not including 0, O, I or 1 etc. It does not validated the name, birth date and USI.

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FAQ: Unique Student Identifier

Sunday, Dec 8, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, Unique Student Identifier

General questions Can I go into each document and apply the step USI Verified or does it have to be done via the email & link it provides? You can, however we recommend you let do the verification for you. If a document has ‘USI Reminder’ as the step then that student needs to respond with the correct details, if you get the details another way (eg they might phone you) then you should apply the step ‘USI Reminder Response’ and let CourseSales.

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Ease the pain of USI management

Sunday, Dec 1, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, Form automaticaly verifys a student’s USI. A student enters their USI along with their name and birth date which are checked against the USI database. The step ‘USI Verified’ is applied after a successful verification. Like other steps in the workflow paths this step can then be used as a prerequsite to prevent issuing certificates to students or used to send reminders when using automated timed steps. However sometimes students don’t provide their correct USI, or don’t correct the details when verification fails.

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AVETMISS USI transcript bulk update

Monday, Jan 1, 0001 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI

You can manually update USI transcripts yourself using your account. Updating in bulk is not possible, and NCVER have no date for this feature to be available. If anything it encourages RTOs to improve their AVETMISS Data reporting to not be in this situation. However there may be situations where you are in this predicament. offers this service, it is: Quoted on a per delivery basis Semi-autonomous using both a person and automation tools Uses AVETMISS files that you supply Is performed with permission - you add us to your account as a user Is quicker and more accurate as it does not rely on human entry, which is prone to error.

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