Under Courses>Dates you will see a list of scheduled course dates ordered from closest to furthermost away.
Things to note about this course listing:
The courses are grouped
- by week (with the week starting on Sunday)
- by course category (in the order of the course categories under options)
- then by location (in the order of the locations under options).
Provider is the course provider who is delivering the course (only varies if you have the ‘reseller licence’)
Price is ‘Our Price’ on the course date (this reflects any price rules applied)
The margin of a course is calculated like so: Margin = Agreed prices total - ((current Registrations * Delegate Cost) + Course Cost)
There are two numbers above the progress bar, the total enq(uiries) and current reg(istrations).
The dark green progress bar is current registrations vs Total places on the course date, turning red when the registration number equals Total places.
The buttons are:
- View the course date, provided a non-editable view of the course date details
- Edit the course date - enables all fields to be edited by the user (if they have permissions to do so)
- View all courses in the event; if the course date is associated to an event then all other course dates in that same event are displayed, enabling the administrator to track total event registrations, revenue and status progress.
- View Map opens a map with address details of the venue for the course date
- Add a document means to add a registration or enquiry for that course
- View documents is the list of documents related to the course date
- View status of documents a dashboard with progress made on each document based on the process path associated to the document (usually defined at the course master)
- Registration list is a list of documents using those fields indicated by having ‘name’ selected on the form it includes cancellations, in an easy to print format
- View status history a dashboard with progress of course date process path workflow steps
- View dashboard shows graphically the income vs. costs incurred, and only appears once two or more bookings have been received.