We offer free assistance with a Managed Configuration option. This configuration of CourseSales.com involves three steps:
Step 1
We configure the functional aspects of CourseSales.com. Eg creating forms, process steps, paths, logins, roles, course categories etc.
Step 2
We configure AVETMISS fields and forms using Qualification and Unit of Competency codes supplied by the training organisation taken from Training.gov.au. Eg. course modules, course descriptions, qualifications etc
Step 3
You get involved with the modification, editing and arranging of data (from Step 2), either manually (eg if you have 20 or less UoC) or using our spreadsheet template which we will then import for you. Eg. formats, course masters, course dates, Moodle configuration, automated USI batch validation, and configuration of new requested features etc.
Step 4
You get involved with importing past user and enrolment data, using our spreadsheet template which we will then import for you. Eg migrating from another system
Step 5
You approve and confirm that the configuration meets your needs, for AVETMISS and general business use prior to going live.
These import scripts are available for you to use as you wish to undertake a Self Configuration.
Frequently asked questions
Why are the Modules (Units of Competency) added individually, that is to ask, why don’t you just take all the Units of Competency from the relevant Qualification?
Many Qualifications have elective Units of Competency therefore not all will be required, these are often determined by the Training Provider. To avoid adding Units of Competency that are not used these are left to be manually selected. Additionally some Units of Competency are delivered without a Qualification in mind, eg a First Aid course might not be related to a qualification, it will be delivered as stand alone.