Building construction


Talk to us about creating different workflows for short and full qualification courses, and taking online bookings via your website understands building & construction training organisations, whether you are delivering training for white card, asbestos, working in confined spaces or full qualifications like Diploma of Building and Construction. We recognise the unique challenges that you face, whether you are a small or a large, high-volume training organisation.

We understand that you may deliver both low priced, high volume training and longer multiple units courses that mean issuing RPLs for existing experience. You often need to mix your training to meet the needs of your customers, customising delivery. You need to manage licensing requirements, state authorities and therefore need to gather unique data. This can be stored alongside the enrolment data of your students. has the ability to automate the workload while maintaining control over the process completely integrated with e-commerce, via the wordpress plugin. If you deliver elearning we can integrate with your learning management system so that the completion data and issuing of statements of attainment are fully automated.

Key features for building and construction training organisations:

The work that did during the onboarding process was second to none - it was smooth and easy, better than they promised!

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