
Incorrect registration / enquiry numbers on a course

Friday, Feb 8, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, Enquiry, Registration

CourseSales.com keeps track of the total registrations and enquiries on a course. The total is adjusted when a process step is applied to a document, eg if a step ‘Registration’ has the Effect on Registrations value of ‘Registered’ then that increases the number of registrations on the course date by one. If however the Effect on Registrations is ‘Registration Cancelled’ then the registrations on the course date decreases by one. The value of Registered documents is important as it shows on the course list (see below), is used to calculate if the course should display on the website.

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Accepting enquiries when a date, location and/or course category does not exist

Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 by Scott Spence Enquiry, Course Date, Document

Sometimes in a listing of courses the combination of dates, locations and/or course category may yeild no results for the person searching. The default display for CourseSales.com is a message that says ‘No course dates found’. Wouldn’t it be better to give the customer an opportunity to let us know they are interested in that combination - and, if we had sufficient interest, we could schedule a course for those customers?

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