
Import Enrolment and Client Records

Wednesday, May 10, 2017 by Scott Spence Import, Registration, Contact, AVETMISS

In there is integrated support for importing enrolments (documents, and document topics) and clients (contacts) using spreadsheets. There is also support for importing configuration data (units of competency, etc) using other non-integrated software ie Selenium, a browser automation tool. When adopting a new Student Management System (SMS) the biggest uncertainty is migration of existing data. Each SMS uses complex data models, they determine data relationships by using business rules at the point of data entry.

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Migration to - onboarding and planning

Thursday, Mar 2, 2017 by Scott Spence Onboard, Import

Migrating to is quick and easy. It does not matter if you have an existing student management systems or not. We have a straight-forward three step process (see below for a workflow diagram): Data Migration; importing the data into, from NAT files or CSV, spreadsheets etc. Functionality; setting up the workflow to match how you operate including venues, locations, price rules, emails, pdfs (invoices/certificates), users, website, learning management system, Unique Student Identifier validation, etc

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Migrate existing data into

Thursday, Mar 19, 2015 by Scott Spence Import, Upgrade, Migrate, Test

General advice The following steps are recommended when migrating data: Step 1: Ask “Do I need to migrate data?” Step 2: Understand export and import options offered by each system: we can write directly to the database, but recommend you use our existing Selenium scripts Step 3: Consider the activities and skills required to migrate the data, including costs; you can do migration or you can ask us to do it.

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Import from CSV files

Wednesday, Feb 4, 2015 by Scott Spence Import

If you have more than 20 courses it might prove useful to consider automating the data entry of course data. Moving from one system to another will be tricky, there may be fields that do not transfer across or fields that need to be created from scratch. Contact us if you wish to use the Selenium Scripts that can automate the data entry. It is important to realize that comes from a sales perspective, then overlays the learning model of what is being taught.

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