
Copying Topics to Course Dates and Documents

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Topic, Document Topic, Module, AVETMISS

Bulk updating the Course Topics on Course Dates and/or the Document Topics on Documents might be required when Course Dates are moved to different Course Masters, timetables change, Documents do not have their topics created or units of competency were not correctly added to Course Dates. Document Topics are used in the student and trainer portals to show the schedule of what will be covered by the facilitator and on what dates.

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Modules instead of Units of Competency

Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Module, Unit of Competency deals with modules and Units of Competency (UoC) differently. Some training organisations teach modules rather than UoC, these modules may be nationally recognised or not. For this reason when completing the ‘subject identifier’ field under a CS Course Category or CS Course Module you need to use a different form, with a different field to represent the subject identifier. This is explained by NCVER as follows, TGA is

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Where and which dates should be used for units and certificates?

Sunday, Feb 24, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, Document, Module, Date, Certificate, PDF

By default the start and end dates on a course date are used when reporting AVETMISS data. These are then overridden by the Document Topic Form (it is not possible to put dates on the document) if there are valid dates on those forms. If these fields exist on the document topics form, the first valid date on each of these fields is used in the order document topic form then course date, eg if Activity Start Date on the Document Topic Form has a valid value it is used.

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Add a Unit of Competency (Course Module)

Saturday, Mar 11, 2017 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, Module, Unit of Competency, Course Topic, Document Topic

When creating a nationally accredited training course as an Registered Training Organisation (RTO) it is necessary to set up the units of compency that the student will be studying so that the outcomes and other AVEMTISS related details can be managed. To add a Unit of Competency create a course module under Publish>Options, add using the tree view of the option ‘Course Module’. Follow this animation to see how this is done (click on it to see a larger version): Modules not found in the subject list Some subjects that are considered nationally accredited training are not in the subject list - these are referred to as Modules.

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Setup Multiple Modules / Units of Competency per Course

Monday, Nov 17, 2014 by Scott Spence Module, Unit of Competency, Course Topic, Document Topic enables you to divide a course into multiple topics that occur sequentially on one or more days, sometimes these are called sessions or subjects. The topics are defined on the format on the course master, and then created with course date, taking the trainer of the course master and location of the course date when added. The student is then linked to these topics (which now have a date, venue and trainer) when the process rule is defined to do so.

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