Process Rule

How Contacts Work

Saturday, Apr 4, 2015 by Scott Spence Contact, Process Rule, Process Step, AVETMISS

Contacts are a record extracted from a document, usually a student. Contacts are created automatically when a process rule on a process step has the correct configuration. A contact is created either when a student’s details are finalised, access to a learning management system is required or the individual’s details need to be updated eg when new information is provided. Contact details are only created / updated when the Process Rule is executed that has the ‘create contact’ settings specified see the following process rule and notes: If a Process rule updates the document and there are no ‘Create contact’ settings on the process rule then there is no update of contact information

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Status Preview

Saturday, Sep 20, 2014 by Scott Spence Process Step, Process Rule, Preview

Status Preview The preview button is found on either the Course Date or Document Workflow box (below) after the initial registration. Clicking on the preview button displays a popup dialog (below) that tells us what will happen if a chosen Process Step and each of the appropriate Process Rules apply, based on the existing saved form information. This can be used to confirm, for a given Process step, what actions will be carried out, namely:

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How does work out who to send emails to

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Email, Process Rule, Role

Inside the brain it thinks like this: Oh, Jane has selected the “Thanks for attending” process step, let’s look at the relevant Process Rule which tells us who to send the email to: Found it - we are meant to send it to the “Course Administrator” role and BCC the “Observer” role. Let’s now look at the course date for which logins should receive the email for this course

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Workflow - Process Paths, Steps and Rules

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Workflow, Process Path, Process Step, Process Rule has a flexible way to construct workflows for nearly every situation. Process Steps Re-usable between courses to ensure terminology consistency and workflow status tracking. Process Rules Define emails to be sent, contacts to be created or updated and exports to be made. Which process rule to be applied can vary on course category and provider. Process Paths Sequence the process steps on each course master. This means that each course master can have a different a process path sequence for course dates and documents.

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