
Export Student Information

Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018 by Scott Spence Export, Document, Contact, Student

Getting student information is helpful to communicate with them and complete additional forms that might be required as part of the training. Trainer portal Log into the trainer portal Click ‘View your courses’ Apply the date filter to the date the student is booked on Click on ‘Registration List’ Scan until you reach the student name, the phone number will be listed if it has been included by the course administrator/manager If it is not listed in the Registration list then:

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Transfer a Student to Another Course

Thursday, May 21, 2015 by Scott Spence Transfer, Student, Participant, Delegate, Course Date

For what ever reason you will at some point need to transfer a document from one course to another. provides an easy way to do this, which, in a few clicks can get the document ie registration, to another course. There are catches however depending on your configuration, which we cover here to ensure your experience is smooth and painless. If you need to transfer a document (registration) of a participant to another course:

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Use the Student Portal

Monday, Nov 17, 2014 by Scott Spence Portal, Student Portal, Student, Delegate

The student portal is where students who have a login can information about their courses, edit their contact details, view the schedule/timetable of the course so they know what is happening day by day.It is password protected, and the same password they use for their Moodle access (if Moodle is being used). The student portal is responsive to the device type being used, if the pages are being viewed on a phone or tablet the width and positioning of the items on the page are adjusted automatically.

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