
Manage an upgrade of third party software

Saturday, Jul 23, 2016 by Scott Spence Integration, Test, Upgrade

CourseSales.com interfaces with a number of other third party systems, eg Moodle, just like CourseSales.com these systems get upgraded and might change they way they function. When you upgrade your software you need to co-ordinate this with us so that we can ensure your connection does not break and your customers experience the least amount of inconvenience as possible. We share some tips here to help this happen: Confirm in advance the version you will be moving to, be sure to be exact, ie if you re moving to Moodle version 3.

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A free Managed Configuration for your courses

Wednesday, Oct 14, 2015 by Scott Spence Managed Service, Upgrade, Migrate

We offer free assistance with a Managed Configuration option. This configuration of CourseSales.com involves three steps: Step 1 We configure the functional aspects of CourseSales.com. Eg creating forms, process steps, paths, logins, roles, course categories etc. Step 2 We configure AVETMISS fields and forms using Qualification and Unit of Competency codes supplied by the training organisation taken from Training.gov.au. Eg. course modules, course descriptions, qualifications etc Step 3 You get involved with the modification, editing and arranging of data (from Step 2), either manually (eg if you have 20 or less UoC) or using our spreadsheet template which we will then import for you.

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Migrate existing data into CourseSales.com

Thursday, Mar 19, 2015 by Scott Spence Import, Upgrade, Migrate, Test

General advice The following steps are recommended when migrating data: Step 1: Ask “Do I need to migrate data?” Step 2: Understand export and import options offered by each system: we can write directly to the database, but recommend you use our existing Selenium scripts Step 3: Consider the activities and skills required to migrate the data, including costs; you can do migration or you can ask us to do it.

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