Under Publish>Masters you will see a list of active course masters.
The courses are grouped alphabetically
- by provider
- by course category
- then as a list using the course master name (not label).
Price is ‘Our Price’ on the course date (this reflects any price rules applied)
You can either have a public or private course
The buttons are:
View the course master, provided a non-editable view of the course master details
Edit the course master - enables all fields to be edited by the user (if they have permissions to do so)
Add a course date using the course master details
View course dates is the list of scheduled course dates related to the course master
Create a course master based on this course master is a duplication feature to make it easier to add course masters. Be careful - links are not duplicated when this is done.
Inactivate (hide) the course master Removes the course master from view, to see it you will need to filter by status ‘inactive’.