Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, USI, FAQ

CourseSales.com already has the USI functionality (that is we can accept a USI from a student, and associate it with the student record). When using CourseSales.com this is the process: Accepting a USI The field AVETMISS Unique Student Identifier includes the following validation options: AVETMISS 7.0 USI this verifies just against the USI format specification for AVETMISS 7.0 ie. including SHORT, not including 0, O, I or 1 etc. It does not validated the name, birth date and USI.

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Monday, Dec 9, 2019 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, FAQ

Where do I upload my AVETMISS files? Submit your NAT files to the https://avs.ncver.edu website for submission. Having an AVS software sign-on is required for submitting the NAT files to meet AVETMISS compliance. Why don’t some records export to my AVETMISS NAT files? The following criteria determine if a record will be exported in NAT files: Course date and registration information will be exported only from course dates marked as ‘completed’ Documents must also be linked to a valid contact to be exported Only activities with a valid value in the field Outcome Identifier - National will be exported.

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How are documents changed to completed in the document list?

Monday, Nov 4, 2019 by Scott Spence FAQ, Course Master, Course Date, DOcument

How are documents changed to completed in the document list? The course dates are scheduled or completed based on the ‘Completed Date’ on the course master of the course date eg: a value of -2 will change the courses from scheduled to completed two days before the course date start. This is run as a service called ‘course expiry’ - which you can disable if you wish, this means that to remove the documents from the list of scheduled courses you would need to manually change the courses from scheduled to completed.

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Why does the price not show/not appear as you expect

Tuesday, Jul 4, 2017 by Scott Spence FAQ, Price, Tax Rule, Location

The appearance of a price on courses is determined by the Tax Rule, which is worked out by the location of the course date. We recommend that a Tax Rule without a location is set up as a ‘catch all’ - this means that if a venue is created with a different location or with a location that does not have a tax rule associated then a price will still show and a tax applied!

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Find a Course ID

Saturday, Feb 25, 2017 by Scott Spence FAQ, Course Date, Course Date ID

Course Dates are used to identify courses that students register on. These unique numbers are also referred to as an ‘Internal Id’ for a course date. These are unique and never used again - so don’t just guess what a coursedateId could be! This value is used when constructing links for student booking on private courses, and used when troubleshooting issues such as errors or misconfigurations. Providing dates and venues of locations is not enough - as there could be double-ups.

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Inactivate a Tax Rule

Monday, Oct 27, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Tax Rule

Inactivate a Tax Rule by setting the Takes Effect From date to way into the future (3014 is a good year!)

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What is the form field type 'Export'

Sunday, Oct 26, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Form, Field, Export

This field is used with Options. Sometimes the information we want to export comes from Options. It is not always appropriate to use the Option Name as the export value, so as an alternative the text in the Export Field can be used. Let’s assume there is a Location for Brisbane with an Export Field value of BNE If we used the Option Name it would be: Brisbane Queensland Australia If we used the Export Field value it would be: BNE

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Why do pages not have public audit records

Friday, Oct 24, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Browser Security

When using your phone esp. android, and analysing the certificates on any of the CourseSales.com pages you might notice a message included below. As mentioned on the Servertastic website “This is a new feature in Chrome surrounding Certificate Transparency. It can affect all certificates issued by any CA. At present it does not have widespread adoption among CA’s as it is not an industry standard.” The Conetix website says in reference to this “This does NOT indicate that there is an issue with the certificate or website.

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Use the files (images) stored in CourseSales.com in course descriptions, in PDFs or emails

Tuesday, Jul 22, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, File, Email, PDF, Content, Course Description

You can upload files to CourseSales.com, this could include images that might be useful when describing courses. These files can be used as embedded images in: Course descriptions PDFs (created dynamically when sending emails) Emails Content for extranet forms, process step forms or document forms Topic descriptions Venue descriptions Promotional descriptions It can also be files to download eg.

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Find an email template

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Email, Content

How do I find an email templates in content? Click on Publish in the top tabs Click on Content in the ribbon Select ‘email’ as the content type Click the filter button

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How does CourseSales.com work out who to send emails to

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence FAQ, Email, Process Rule, Role

Inside the CourseSales.com brain it thinks like this: Oh, Jane has selected the “Thanks for attending” process step, let’s look at the relevant Process Rule which tells us who to send the email to: Found it - we are meant to send it to the “Course Administrator” role and BCC the “Observer” role. Let’s now look at the course date for which logins should receive the email for this course

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How to export AVETMISS NAT Files

Monday, Jan 1, 0001 by Scott Spence AVETMISS, FAQ

AVETMISS NAT files are text files that include the relevant data to submit to the https://avs.ncver.edu website for submission. Having an AVS software sign-on is required for submitting the NAT files to meet AVETMISS compliance. Keep in mind prior to exporting: Course date and registration information will be exported only from course dates marked as ‘completed’ Documents must also be linked to a valid contact to be exported Only activities with an Outcome Identifier - National will be exported.

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