
Upgrade from aXcelerate to CourseSales.com

Monday, Sep 16, 2019 by Scott Spence Migrate, Onboarding

Like CourseSales.com, aXcelerate is a web based student management system. Read more to learn that while CourseSales.com includes automation to reduce management effort, is flexible and responsive to a training organisations needs, aXcelerate, at the time of this review does not include price automation, variable terms by price group and course type, nor roles beyond the 5 fixed roles eg: trainer and student. There are also some differences between how the courses are managed which when using CourseSales.

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Upgrade from VETtrac to CourseSales.com

Saturday, Apr 27, 2019 by Scott Spence Migrate, VETtrac

VETtrac is a cloud based student management system, similar to CourseSales.com in some ways, but where CourseSales.com has an easy to use user interface, with an advanced workflow management system and API in built at the entry level license VETtrac requires you to have a more expensive license and by many is found to be confusing and clunky to use. Within VETtrac it is possible to export data that can be used to do the migration.

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Upgrade from RTO Manager to CourseSales.com

Saturday, Apr 27, 2019 by Scott Spence Migrate, RTO Manager

RTO Manager is a thin client student management system needing citrix, where as CourseSales.com is a cloud based system (accessed via a web browser) with an easy to operate user interface, with an advanced workflow management system in built at the entry level license RTO Manager requires you to have a more expensive license and by many is found to be confusing and clunky to use. CourseSales.com customer service is second to none - and makes it the preferred alternative to RTO Manager for those struggling getting to grips with it.

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Upgrade from WiseNet to CourseSales.com

Saturday, Apr 13, 2019 by Scott Spence Migrate, WiseNet

WiseNet is a cloud based student management system, similar to CourseSales.com in some ways, but where CourseSales.com a less cluttered user interface, with an advanced workflow management system in built at the entry level license WiseNet requires you to have a more expensive license to use some workflow features and recent converts describe it as confusing and clunky to use. To import from WiseNet we recommend using AVETMISS files for the student and enrolment details.

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Upgrade from PowerPro to CourseSales.com

Saturday, Apr 13, 2019 by Scott Spence Migrate, PowerPro

PowerPro is a computer based based student management system, similar to CourseSales.com in some ways, but where CourseSales.com has an easy to use user interface, with an advanced workflow management system and API in built at the entry level license PowerPro requires you to have a more expensive license. When training companies are looking at integrating with Moodle CourseSales.com is the preferred alternative to PowerPro. Within PowerPro it is possible to export data as NAT files that can be used to do the migration.

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Onboarding Steps - Help and Guidance

Saturday, Jul 28, 2018 by Scott Spence Migrate, Onboarding

Congratulations on choosing CourseSales.com as your preferred student management system. First we need to import your course and student data. We do this by using your AVEMTISS files. We encourage you to validate your AVETMISS files first by using NCVER’s AVS software. The beauty of using the AVETMISS files is that these can be validated, and therefore be relatively clean. Without clean data we can’t validate the exports so be sure to make the data as clean as possible.

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Upgrade from Go1 (Aduro) to CourseSales.com

Sunday, Jul 17, 2016 by Scott Spence Migrate, Go1, Aduro

Go1 (previously AduroLMS) is a Learning Management System in the cloud, it also does a bit of student management. Here at CourseSales.com we focus on Student Management, and then prefer to link to an LMS, eg Moodle, Blackboard etc. We are told by our customers they feel as though CourseSales.com has a much easier to use user interface, and the automated workflow management system blows them away, while an alternative to Go1 CourseSales.

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A free Managed Configuration for your courses

Wednesday, Oct 14, 2015 by Scott Spence Managed Service, Upgrade, Migrate

We offer free assistance with a Managed Configuration option. This configuration of CourseSales.com involves three steps: Step 1 We configure the functional aspects of CourseSales.com. Eg creating forms, process steps, paths, logins, roles, course categories etc. Step 2 We configure AVETMISS fields and forms using Qualification and Unit of Competency codes supplied by the training organisation taken from Training.gov.au. Eg. course modules, course descriptions, qualifications etc Step 3 You get involved with the modification, editing and arranging of data (from Step 2), either manually (eg if you have 20 or less UoC) or using our spreadsheet template which we will then import for you.

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Migrate existing data into CourseSales.com

Thursday, Mar 19, 2015 by Scott Spence Import, Upgrade, Migrate, Test

General advice The following steps are recommended when migrating data: Step 1: Ask “Do I need to migrate data?” Step 2: Understand export and import options offered by each system: we can write directly to the database, but recommend you use our existing Selenium scripts Step 3: Consider the activities and skills required to migrate the data, including costs; you can do migration or you can ask us to do it.

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