Process Step

Setup an Assessment

Tuesday, Apr 23, 2019 by Scott Spence Form, Assessment, Process Step

It can be useful to assess students before, during or after a course. Our assessment plugin is fully functional for including images, submission of partly correct answers, variable weighting of questions, alerts when options select are incorrect and triggering pass and fail process steps. A pass mark can be set, and a different process step used if the student fails. If set at 100% and there is no ‘fail’ process step set the assessment does not submit until the required pass mark is achieved.

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Multi-step Registration Workflow

Sunday, Dec 30, 2018 by Scott Spence Workflow, Process Path, Process Step

You might have lots of information to gather from a student eg, you might be collecting AVETMISS data, billing details and visa information from foreign students. Having one form with all of this information can turn customers away due to its length and detail. Better instead to gather information from customers when you need it. can do this in a few ways: making blocks of data dynamically hide on the form to ensure only the most relevant data is collected

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Show messages to personnel when they execute Process Steps

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 by Scott Spence Process Step, Help

Step 1 Create the content as type ‘Field’ Step 2 Create a field of type ‘Content Field’ and select the correct content created in Step 1 Step 3 Create a ‘Process step’ form, and include the field from Step 2 Step 4 Edit the appropriate process path, adding the form to the appropriate process step under Process Step form Step 5 Check to see that the form works as expected Tips You can add other fields, like text fields, these will not be recorded on the document but will be recorded on the status of the document for auditing purposes

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Setup Transfer Out and Transfer In

Monday, Feb 27, 2017 by Scott Spence Workflow, Transfer, Process Path, Process Step

Being able to quickly transfer a customer from one course to another is a valuable feature within You can set up different transfer arrangements to suit your different cases, raise invoices etc. Basic transfer out/transfer in for a registration/enrollment Just two process steps are necessary in each case, these must be set up to use the ‘transfer out’ and ‘transfer in’ internal type respectively. Using Process Rules Each step set up in the above basic Transfer Out/Transfer In configuration can have a process step associated to it.

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Notify Trainers of an up-coming course

Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016 by Scott Spence Workflow, Trainer, Course Date, Process Step, Email

Trainers are busy - how can be help them manage their schedule and keep updated with the courses that they are scheduled to attend? offers a number of ways to do this. Firstly the trainer portal displays the courses that a trainer is linked to, this means that the ‘schedule’ is the most up to date display of the courses scheduled for a trainer - it even includes past courses and cancelled courses.

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How Contacts Work

Saturday, Apr 4, 2015 by Scott Spence Contact, Process Rule, Process Step, AVETMISS

Contacts are a record extracted from a document, usually a student. Contacts are created automatically when a process rule on a process step has the correct configuration. A contact is created either when a student’s details are finalised, access to a learning management system is required or the individual’s details need to be updated eg when new information is provided. Contact details are only created / updated when the Process Rule is executed that has the ‘create contact’ settings specified see the following process rule and notes: If a Process rule updates the document and there are no ‘Create contact’ settings on the process rule then there is no update of contact information

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When integrated third party applications how do I trigger a process step

Friday, Nov 14, 2014 by Scott Spence Integration, Process Step

If you would like a third party application to notify of an action taken you can use our standard API call back function with a call to Status update using this REST format, or the SOAP equivalent: {"Status":{"StatusTableName":"Documents"},"DocumentExternalId":"DOCUMENTEXTERNALID","StatusStepId":STEPIDTOEXECUTE,"LoginUsername":"USER","LoginPassword":"PASSWORD"} Capitalization indicates which values need to be changed for the particular circumstance.

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Download a PDF generated from a PDF template

Saturday, Sep 20, 2014 by Scott Spence PDF, Download, Process Step

Generated PDF files using variable replacements must be attached to emails. However these PDF files can also be downloaded for immediate viewing, without the email being sent. Assuming that a PDF template is linked to an email do the following: While editing a document select the Process Step that includes the email with the PDF attached. Optionally choose as to whether you want to “send eMails”, then Apply or Save Click on the Workflow history button to get the Status (by Process Step) to have been applied to the document: Click the View Details button for the Status (Process Step) that includes the PDF, to view the Status Preview popup: Click on the Acrobat button to download the PDF file.

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Status Preview

Saturday, Sep 20, 2014 by Scott Spence Process Step, Process Rule, Preview

Status Preview The preview button is found on either the Course Date or Document Workflow box (below) after the initial registration. Clicking on the preview button displays a popup dialog (below) that tells us what will happen if a chosen Process Step and each of the appropriate Process Rules apply, based on the existing saved form information. This can be used to confirm, for a given Process step, what actions will be carried out, namely:

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Different ways to advance a Process Step

Saturday, Aug 16, 2014 by Scott Spence Process Step, Workflow, Course Date, Document

See also Workflow - Process Paths, Steps and Rules There are many ways to advance a process step, the one you choose will depend on if you are interacting with an external role, needing input by the course admin. What can a process step do? Nothing Increase the registration total Increase the enquiry total Transfer in or out Confirm attendance

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Add and Edit a Process Step

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Process Step, Add, Edit, Workflow

Process steps can be used in to send email to students, you need a process step, which indicates the workflow point, a process rule, which tells what to do and an email, which is what is being done. This instructional video shows you how to send a reminder email to students about a course, and include the venue details in an email.

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Record data eg. exam results

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Capture Data, Form, Process Step

Step 1. Create a Process step Visit Automation/Steps/New Note: Name is used in the management of of Process Steps, linking them to process rules etc, eg. Exam results Short Title is used when viewing the status of a course date or document (registration/enquiry) you are limited to 6 letters or numbers, eg. Results Title is the Label used when the course administrator views the process step in the drop down list when updating a document or course date, eg.

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Workflow - Process Paths, Steps and Rules

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Workflow, Process Path, Process Step, Process Rule has a flexible way to construct workflows for nearly every situation. Process Steps Re-usable between courses to ensure terminology consistency and workflow status tracking. Process Rules Define emails to be sent, contacts to be created or updated and exports to be made. Which process rule to be applied can vary on course category and provider. Process Paths Sequence the process steps on each course master. This means that each course master can have a different a process path sequence for course dates and documents.

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