
How are documents changed to completed in the document list?

Monday, Nov 4, 2019 by Scott Spence FAQ, Course Master, Course Date, DOcument

How are documents changed to completed in the document list? The course dates are scheduled or completed based on the ‘Completed Date’ on the course master of the course date eg: a value of -2 will change the courses from scheduled to completed two days before the course date start. This is run as a service called ‘course expiry’ - which you can disable if you wish, this means that to remove the documents from the list of scheduled courses you would need to manually change the courses from scheduled to completed.

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Where and which dates should be used for units and certificates?

Sunday, Feb 24, 2019 by Scott Spence Course Date, Document, Module, Date, Certificate, PDF

By default the start and end dates on a course date are used when reporting AVETMISS data. These are then overridden by the Document Topic Form (it is not possible to put dates on the document) if there are valid dates on those forms. If these fields exist on the document topics form, the first valid date on each of these fields is used in the order document topic form then course date, eg if Activity Start Date on the Document Topic Form has a valid value it is used.

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Adding a Document (registration/enquiry) based on a Contact

Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019 by Scott Spence Add, Contact, Document keeps registration details in documents, and customer details in contact records. Contact records can be created automatically at registration, and then used to pre-populate registration forms when the administrator wishes to add a contact to a course. Step 1 Go to contacts, and click the green plus sign button to add a document to a Course Date Step 2 Choose to filter the display your preferred Course Date

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Archive Documents

Friday, Feb 8, 2019 by Scott Spence Archive, Document

You might be asking what do I do with those unwanted registrations, such as test registrations, or abandoned shopping carts (documents) that are no longer required? Background When there are unwanted registrations, such as when many test documents are created, you can transfer these to an archive or non-active course date, usually complete or cancelled (so documents do not appear in the default list) private (so it does not appear on website) and in the future (ie on a date such as 1 January 2090, so it is easy to find when filtering).

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Document List

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 by Scott Spence Document, List

It is no surprise that this is the default page for most logins. It takes you to the page that has the most ‘happening’ activities, namely arriving registrations. As registrations arrive they accumulate at the top of the screen. This list tells you what has arrived, and is useful to check any registrations that need immediate attention. Under Courses>Documents you will see a list of the most recent documents sorted from the most recent to the oldest.

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Identifiers for Documents, Contacts and Course Dates

Friday, Dec 7, 2018 by Scott Spence ID, Identifier, Document, Course Date, Contact

Document and contact identifiers are useful when needing to: Provide a link to submit more information or updated information, eg gathering USI data or additional information in a multi-step registration process. Reference a particular registration/booking for customer service or compliance requirements. When needing to identify documents - aka bookings enrolments or registrations, and contacts aka student clients customers, identifiers can be used for a variety of ways including identifying certificates, referencing invoices, validating achievements (certificates or statements of attainment) and gaining access to the student portal or other third party systems.

Continue Reading Web Services - Document

Saturday, Dec 1, 2018 by Mark Stoke Integration, Web Services, REST, Document

Swagger Definition Refer to the swagger file for a full definition yaml Swagger for Document Scope This service returns Forms with a status of Active. This service only returns Forms for Active Course Dates, that is: They are Scheduled, and visible to the Public Where the Course Date is attached to a Course Master that has a status of Active Standard Web Service This web service requires a standard CourseSales.

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Attendance tracking

Saturday, May 12, 2018 by Scott Spence Attendance, Document, Registration List

Attendance tracking is where you confirm attendance by individuals on a course, verified by them entering a code into a system, being recognised by the trainer or showing ID to the trainer. attendance tracking is supported in all licenses. The reasons for tracking attendance may be a regulatory requirement, eg Australian government requirements include tracking attendance of foreign students to ensure adhereance to their visias. has a number of ways that attendance can be tracked.

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Export Student Information

Wednesday, Feb 28, 2018 by Scott Spence Export, Document, Contact, Student

Getting student information is helpful to communicate with them and complete additional forms that might be required as part of the training. Trainer portal Log into the trainer portal Click ‘View your courses’ Apply the date filter to the date the student is booked on Click on ‘Registration List’ Scan until you reach the student name, the phone number will be listed if it has been included by the course administrator/manager If it is not listed in the Registration list then:

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Wrong Documents linked to Contact

Wednesday, Oct 4, 2017 by Scott Spence Troubleshooting, Contact, Document

We had a question from a customer and it goes something like this: Jane Doe (the girl I spoke to you about yesterday), re-enrolled last night in the Diploma. Earlier yesterday, I cancelled her registration in the Certificate 3. She was asking me to check to see whether she had done the registration right and it seems that I’ve overwritten someone elses' record. If you do a contact search now on Jane Doe, you can see that 2 records come up but one of them is actually Tony Brett (you can tell by the email address).

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Search for a Customer

Thursday, Mar 23, 2017 by Scott Spence Contact, Document, Search

It is important that you can find customers (students/enrolments etc). As with many things in you have more than one option! Search Documents using the filter You can search in the ‘Text’ filter field of the document list page, this is a field which looks at the whole record, so you can search street names and all other text fields like locality values etc: customer name, eg for Brad Pitt search ‘Brad’ or ‘Pitt’ - searching ‘Brad Pitt’ will not work.

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Accepting enquiries when a date, location and/or course category does not exist

Sunday, Jul 10, 2016 by Scott Spence Enquiry, Course Date, Document

Sometimes in a listing of courses the combination of dates, locations and/or course category may yeild no results for the person searching. The default display for is a message that says ‘No course dates found’. Wouldn’t it be better to give the customer an opportunity to let us know they are interested in that combination - and, if we had sufficient interest, we could schedule a course for those customers?

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Export Courses, Documents or Contacts

Monday, Aug 18, 2014 by Scott Spence Export, Course Date, Contact, Document, Export Map, Export Queue, Download

To export Courses, Documents or Contacts your login needs to have a role which manage permissions on Course Dates, Documents and Contacts respectively. Use the filter options to selectively pick the items that you want to display. Use the download button to apply the filter to a downloadable, comma separated file. Example This shows the steps to take to download the details of all students for a particular course category Choose the Export menu

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Different ways to advance a Process Step

Saturday, Aug 16, 2014 by Scott Spence Process Step, Workflow, Course Date, Document

See also Workflow - Process Paths, Steps and Rules There are many ways to advance a process step, the one you choose will depend on if you are interacting with an external role, needing input by the course admin. What can a process step do? Nothing Increase the registration total Increase the enquiry total Transfer in or out Confirm attendance

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Add references to your emails or PDFs

Saturday, Apr 26, 2014 by Scott Spence Course Date, Document, Course Date ID, Document ID, Email, PDF

Add document references to your emails or PDFs. You can use the unique identifier for course dates and documents (enquiries/registrations) as a way to keep track of someone’s registration. To do this we recommend that you put the following at the bottom of your emails: Course reference: [CourseDates:CourseDateId] our reference is: [Documents:DocumentExternalId] Hint: beta feature - use with caution to include the name of the email template (for troubleshooting purposes) use this: [Email:TemplateName], hide as white text if you wish to have this on emails but not to be noticed:

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